Can You Pay to Get to the Top of Google's Search Results? | MTB Strategy

Inbound marketers care most about how Google ranks their sites more than anything else in their field. It is the only natural way to measure the business and boosts everything else. The number of clicks goes up, and the number of people who know about the brand goes through the roof, letting other benefits come through.

Some will feel immediately, while others may take a little longer. The credibility of a business is always at risk when it comes to Google rankings. Getting to this goal is a challenging task in and of itself. SEO can be looked at by how many links are used and where they come from. It will be put together based on how the keywords are used in headings, titles, and descriptions.

The content is another critical factor. How many are being made? What kinds of references are used? Does the content include things like pictures and videos? All of these moving parts are important to the bigger picture. Google Bots are always looking at and ranking websites in every possible niche. This makes SEO the most important thing for a company that wants more attention.

Benefits of Ranking First

Ranking high is crucial in a world with more than 3.5 billion daily searches, most of which are done on Google. Yahoo, Apple, and Bing are all growing, but Google is still far ahead, with 70% of the market share. Even if the top hit is out of date, it’s essential to be on the first page of a Google search. There are many benefits. The top four are:

Better Proof of Service

In SEO, ranking sites is both a science and a method. But landing on Google’s first page gives you something you can’t quite put your finger on. It becomes a psychological game that is as much about reputation as it is about results.

Think about a Google search that tries to find an SEO expert in the UK city of Mansfield. Google will show several listings, with the best page results in the middle of each one. These are the searches that have been done the most naturally. Then, in the right-hand column, there are PPC ads.

As far as we know, they all seem to be good businesses that offer the same service to potential customers. Still, it’s natural for anyone who uses Google to pay close attention to the top results in the organic search.

The way things are, the eye is drawn to what is in the middle, and there is a sense that those who chose PPC have gotten to the top by cheating. People are becoming more aware of and skeptical of how ads work, which makes organic search listings seem more realistic to the user and, by extension, to Google.

Unlike other search engines and websites that allow pop-up ads, Google clarifies what is accessible and what you have to pay for. That “Ad” box couldn’t be labeled more clearly, so people naturally go to the web search.

Being part of those in Google’s top search list helps the overall impression. It shows your clients that you are genuine and trustworthy. Those URLs that appear in ads seem desperate to get into the space at any price.

Increase in Click-Through Rates

To be more visible on Google, you must get more people to click on your links. A link that ranks naturally on Google is much more likely to get the user to take action. 

PPC works as a supplement to organic search by getting a high Google ranking. They can work together, and while the SERP has to be the main focus and priority, the best results for a business will come from a combination that is done right.

Increased Brand Reach

Google’s first page is all about being seen. If you type in any description of a niche, the search engine will be able to give you information about the most popular and trustworthy brand. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes down to making sure people know and recognize your brand.

From Google’s point of view, a higher ranking puts a name and logo ahead of competitors in the same market. This, in turn, lets that business use their status to their advantage and make money from the returns. Business brands reflect how the public, other businesses, and sponsors see a company.

But it’s important to note that brand awareness will vary depending on where your site is on Google’s first page. It’s great to be one of the first ten hits, but that’s just the beginning. Then, a bigger goal is in mind since the numbers show a big difference.

Long-Term Success Is Better Than a Quick Fix

Every business with a web presence should have plenty of room for both. Just throwing money at Google Adwords won’t fix all of a business’s problems, but it might bring in some quick clicks and cash.

Improving your search engine results page (SERP) is a less expensive way to get results online. Sponsored ads are thought to be less popular than SERPs because SERPs are natural and respond better to Google’s current algorithm.

Pay-per-click (PPC) should be the first choice for a business with a lot of resources and needs results immediately. With this strategy, you should see results in 24 to 48 hours, making a site more competitive in a specific niche.

Most people agree that websites that use PPC more often than organic SERP growth are only interested in short-term gains. Even people who don’t know much about computers can run the same program and get the same results.

Those funds should be used to build something that will last. Businesses that put money aside for long-term campaigns on a low margin should look at a Google ranking to get more attention.

Using Money to Reach the Top

There must be a way to pay to be at the top of a Google search. Google Ads is the name (formerly Adwords). That’s what you see at the top of your Google search results when you click on paid ads. If you’re willing to pay the most per click for your chosen keywords and Google’s search algorithm thinks your website is relevant and valuable to users, you can get the top spot.

Reining at the top can bring you a big payoff or make you lose all your money. It depends on how much you can make per sale and how much money you have for advertising. But it’s clear that you could buy that top-paying job if you pay the right price.

But what about a search that isn’t paid? No, is the simple answer.

Google doesn’t sell spots at the top organic search results list. If you could buy them, they wouldn’t be very “organic,” would they? SEO, or search engine optimization, is the way to get to the top of organic search results. According to Google, SEO is a mix of many things, but the most important one is excellent content that gives value to the reader and a fantastic user experience. And a lot of links to your content pages that are good.

Where Can You Use Your Money Then?

You can find writers to keep making new content based on specific terms or keywords. You can hire your marketing team for social media to do the work and adjust to how ideal customers might be. They can build relationships with influential bloggers who might then let you publish one or two guest posts and reach a vast new audience.

Large companies have the money and resources to do that and more. A lot of them do. But that doesn’t mean you can’t compete in your niche, as long as you can narrow it down. It is highly possible that you wouldn’t stand a chance to compete for keywords like bags,” but you have a good chance of competing for “bags in Edgewater, NJ” (insert your town, county, area, zip code, etc.).

Even with a small group target audience, you need to optimize your website well and follow the latest SEO trends so Google can love your site. You also need to share the content to get the word out and maybe get links from other sites. Go for it if you can do it on your own or in-house.

Most small and medium-sized businesses don’t have the right in-house expertise and don’t want to or can’t hire full-time help. Digital marketing agencies help with this. We can make your content, do your SEO, and market your business on social media at a very efficient and affordable rate compared to doing it on your own.

So, is it possible to buy your way to the top of Google? You have a good chance if you put money into good content, SEO, and social media marketing. Contact us now if you want to learn more about how to improve your website to get more visitors and more leads.