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Google Business Profile Setup and Optimization

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Product Details

GMB Management

What is it?

You see it every time you search for anything. That mysterious box just above the organic listings on Google. It’s below the Google Ads at the top, but it has the most prominence on the page, what with that box drawn around it and all that. Then, inside that box are three companies, and only three. Just below that is a little button marked “more places”. Ever click on that? We generally don’t either.

What you are looking at is the most valuable real estate on Planet Earth. It’s called Google My Business. We call it GMB for short. Takes less time to say it.

So how did those three companies in the box get to be there? What about the pages of companies listed after them? Don’t they get a shot? Is this fair?

Yeah, it’s fair. The people at the top are there, in the so-called map pack because Google is biased and from their end, for whatever reason, those three companies have the most authoritative presence. Google knows that if someone is searching for, say, a pest control company, these are the three that everyone seems to like the most, for whatever reason.

If a company is trying to get attention on the internet, you have got to be in the map pack for the right keywords. The difference between being in the map pack versus lower on the page, can not be overstated.

This offering establishes a customized monthly plan for optimizing a GMB. Here’s a sample GMB Optimization Plan.


Week one:

Keyword research / audit

GMB Info Audit

Add as needed:

  • Description (750 characters or less; keyword driven)
  • Start date
  • Ensure correct categories (must be discussed before implemented)
  • Ensure correct geo areas are included
  • Services and Products
  • Labels
  • Hours (should be as expanded as possible for service businesses)
  • Evaluate pictures, number and quality
  • Check for logo and cover
  • Create folder for content from client- pics/content/video (anything and everything)
  • Baseline Heatmap

Week two:

Establish 5 questions and answers

QR Code for reviews

Check reviews

One GMB Post

Check citations

Week Three:

Two GMB posts

Implement questions and answers (slowly)

Post 2 Pics

Week Four:

One GMB Post

Post 2 Pics from External Account

**For ongoing GMB management please contact MTB.

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Google Business Profile Setup and Optimization